How to install Java Jdk on Windows 10

Riya Goel
4 min readNov 25, 2020


In this article, we will see how we can install java jdk on our system.

No prerequisites are required while downloading Java jdk.

To check if Java is already installed on your system, you just need to open cmd(Command prompt) and once this opens up, you just need to type this command java -version. If the command gives you the below response, then java is not installed on your machine.

You can even try writing javac -version which is used to compile a Java program. If java and jdk is not present in your system it will also show you the same message mentioned above.

So let’s see now how we can install java jdk on our system.

Java jdk installation

  1. Open up your browser and search for java jdk and probably the first link that will appear will be from You just need to click on that link to get started.

2. Now I see that the latest version available to me right now is JAVA SE 15. So you just need to click on JDK Download to start your download.

3. Scroll down the page and one will see the heading of Java SE Development Kit and in that to download JDK for Windows you need to click on Windows x64 Installer.

4. You need to accept the terms and conditions and then go for its download and it will start the download of the executable file.

5. Once the executable file is downloaded, just run the file to begin the installation. You need to accept all the terms and keep on following the instructions.

6. This is the initial setup window and we have to click on Next. And the default path where Java jdk has to be installed is also mentioned. So if you don’t have a good reason to change it, you can keep the path as it is.

7. Now it will start copying all the files and in a few seconds you will be redirected to this window. Then you have to click on Close and now you need to go to the location where Java jdk has been installed.

8. The most important folder in this is bin where all the Java related executable files will be stored. Now the next step is to set the bin folder as the environment variable so that we can run all the Java related commands from the Command Prompt.

9. Now copy the bin folder path and go for you system settings and search for environment variables and choose edit the system environment variables.

10. After clicking on the edit system environment variables you will see a popup as follows and you need to click on Environment variables.

11. Now just click on Path environment variable and then click on Edit and just paste the bin path. Now clicking on OK will set the bin path as your environment variable.

So this was how you can install Java JDK and also set your environment variables.

To check whether Java jdk has been installed or not, open your command prompt and then type java -version. After writing this, if you see the java version then java jdk has been successfully installed on your system.

